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Blast from the Past: Barry White

Posted on Apr 27, 2008 by in Daily Life | 0 comments

So I debated: do a full write-up of my newest photoshop-conquest, sharing my brilliance with the multitude of loyal fans … or find a picture of that time so long ago when I sported — I hesitate even to say this — I sported a mullet? (Mullet: hairstyle that is short in the front, on the top, and on the sides, but long in the back.) I figured the bad hair would be more interesting.

Thankfully I wasn’t able to find a good, full-on career-ruining, public humiliation-type of shot. But I did find this Barry White video that I was in. (“I wanna do it good to ya.”) Keep your eye out for the horn player in the back left … playing trombone. There’s a little bit right in the beginning, and between 21 and 27 seconds, and short clips here and there. (There’s really not much … but the concept is amusing.)

By the way, it seems pretty tame today, but this video was considered very risque, and was actually banned in several cities when it originally aired.

Backstory: I was a music major at USC for a while … thinking that I would be a music performer. (However, I wasn’t so great at practicing and gave up the scholarship to study Philosophy and — in theory — go be a lawyer. The philosophy degree I got … but the law thing didn’t work out either.) Anyway, the music department got a call one day looking for extras for the video, and I just happened to be around. So I spent about 18 hours with Barry and friends doing the video. Barry was approachable, very cool, generally normal and friendly.

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