48 Hours in Santa Ana
Friday Night at the Santiago Street Lofts: A Gallery preview draws a fair crowd to Omi Gallery. The crowd consumes all of Omi Gallery’s wine. Eventually we head upstairs, find more wine, and continue the varied and stimulating conversation through the late evening. At some point we must take the Golden Retriever and the Chihuahua for a walk — Naomi looking spectacular (and spectacularly out of place) in all black and her high boots, the dogs looking ridiculous in their pink leashes. Afterwards, a few of us go to a local club. I meet someone.
Saturday at the Lofts: It’s “Big Art Walk Night” (as opposed to the monthly “regular-sized” Art Walk), and the crowds come out in droves. First a small gathering at my place — including the makeshift “bar” made out of unpacked boxes — with great food and … you guessed it … more wine. Neighbor Naomi brings homemade cupcakes, and other friends make the trek out of their nice, safe neighborhoods to … the ‘hood. The wine somehow follows us as we stroll out into the 16 galleries below. We walk from gallery to gallery, including 2 with James’ work. One has a crazy Mercedes all painted up and a circus performer spinning a large wheel (for $1) out on the sidewalk to determine winners of either a small pin or — with long odds — a larger piece of art. I win the art. A DJ spins at one gallery, another offers “magic punch” (yumm), and another has furniture. I buy 2 tables (which figure in the story later) but don’t take them home yet. It’s another late night out with friends and neighbors.
Sunday at the Lofts: Sushi lunch with neighbors Claudia and Mike. Build a bookshelf all day, including removing and drilling a light to get it all to fit. Hear lots of sirens, grab the camera, see an accident where a car nearly — but doesn’t — runs straight through the front window into a neighbor’s loft workspace. Head back the other direction and see more police on the other sides of my Loft with a suspect (apparently fleeing the scene) face down on the ground in handcuffs. Get a call from the neighbors who just made soup, and offer some. Go get soup (yum!), then get a call to pickup my tables. Walk over to my other neighbor’s to get the tables and stumble upon a neighborhood barbecue in progress.
Barbecue features: Mexican food, Korean BBQ, beer, more wine, and hot dogs; a projector showing The Transformers movie inside Dentist Jason’s garage with a dozen neighbors sitting around watching in lawnchairs; a neighbor (who shall remain anonymous out of kindness) playing with his lightsaber; and a local officer of the law (not related to the accident) mingling and enjoying the evening. I eat some more, and then walk home with tables on my head.
This is so much better than Irvine.
(A few low-quality (mostly iPhone) photos are below.)
Nice accident photos! Just another day in Santa Ana.
BTW, since when did Jedi-wannabes start wearing shorts?!